The low point of my day…

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As near as I can tell from a quick look at the data collected by Field Day and Grace (our prototype ambiance platform) and the Yocto altimeter (based on the same MPL3115A2 chip that we use) this was the low point of my day yesterday at about 201m:


I started Field Day and the Yocto around Portland, Indiana and then drove home and walked down to the creek where this picture was taken. The highest point in Indiana is about half-way between Portland and where we live in Boston. The creek bed is the limestone floor of the ocean that covered this part of the US about 350mya. Neither device was calibrated, and we won’t know for sure how the track looks until Craig maps the data, but things are looking good.


In other news Nic has collected data from the LiDAR in the lab as it moved slowly over an object on the floor. We’re collecting theta, distance tuples at set intervals (1cm) along the track, I think we can visualize these as stacked wind roses as a first-order approach to “seeing” what it found. Matplotlib to the rescue!

Ambiance and a Feather

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So, it’s been a little while since my last post. Here’s a quick update. I assembled our ambiance platform using the Adafruit feather and two sensors: Altimeter and Temperature, Humidity and Pressure. The Adafruit feather is a tiny BLE capable micro controller (like a Light Blue Bean). We decided to go with the feather because the BLE chip it uses is Nordic, like the Red Bear Labs BLE Shield. With the Nordic chip we can make our own services with UUIDs. The Bean has a built-in set of UUIDs and communicates differently than the Nordic chip.

The platform sensors currently use two different communication protocols: I2C and SPI, but we decided that probably wasn’t going to be a problem. I was able to solder on the sensors to a prototyping board and upload a sketch. I tested without the BLE first time to make sure it was working. It was, thanks to sample code from Adafruit! Adafruit has a different BLE library but it’s all the same principal. I tested the BLE code with Field Day and all works well. A picture of the ambiance platform is below.

The Bean arrives!

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Last week, the bean arrived! We got four beans in the mail, which came with a ‘Maker Kit.’ The Maker Kit really just contained some headers, a buzzer, and your basic accessories. I was able to connect to all four of the Beans through my computer and my phone! It’s pretty cool that you can connect and upload code right from your phone. The ‘Bean Loader’ computer application integrates with Arduino really well. You write the code in the Arduino IDE, and just send it to the Bean through the Bean Loader. I followed this guide OSX Starting Guide to get started using the bean with my laptop. This is the guide I followed for iOS Guide for setting it up on my iPhone.

Unlike most Arduino board, the Bean has no headers already soldered in. We don’t want to solder right away. We still need to make a prototype and test that it works. So, what I did was set up a little prototyping configuration using a breadboard and some wires. You can see it below — it’s a light sensor. The LED on the Bean gets brighter as it detects more light and dimmer as it detects less light. I was able to get this running with the Bean Example Projects page.


I’ve been looking through different websites like MakerShed, SparkFun, and Adafruit for different ambiance type sensors. There are many options to choose from, that have a wide range in prices. What sensors to get, we should probably decide as a group. Also, the Bean has a built-in Temperature sensor that we need to test, and perhaps we could cross that off the list of sensors to buy.

LightBlue Bean for Ambiance <3

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After our meeting last Monday, we have decided to step away from Yoctopuce devices for any platform, but specifically the ambiance platform. Although, the Yoctopuce devices are nice, and have the ‘plug and play’ option, they are expensive and complex (in terms of debugging) compared to other options.

We are moving to Arduino-like design for the Ambiance platform. After some research, I found a device called the LightBlue Bean (see below). The LightBlue Bean is a very small device that is configured entirely through Bluetooth Low Energy. You can even upload code on the go with an Android or IPhone application, which is exactly what we need. The Bean has the same chipset as an Arduino, and even has a built in Temperature sensor. A key characteristic of the LightBlue Bean is the on-board battery. In the past, we’ve struggled with our sensor platforms drawing too much energy from our Nexii. We would have to pack extra charged battery packs, which would take up space in the limited space we have for our day. When you’re climbing a volcano or a glacier, it’s ideal to carry the least amount of weight as possible.

We’ve ordered about 4 of the LightBlue Beans and they should get here sometime this week. Once they arrive, we’ll play with them and attach sensors to see how well they work. Can’t wait to play with them!

Yoctopuce and Bluetooth

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I’ve been doing some research on Yoctopuce and using Bluetooth to communicate with devices, as opposed to USB communication. I could not find any information on using yocto devices with bluetooth. The only official available options are Wifi, USB or Ethernet. This is saddening. Our Yocto ambiance platform is really top-notch, but we need to get rid of cables. They are just not practical. They unplug randomly and we will lose a lot of data in that time. Bluetooth is the only practical option.

I’ve been looking into Arduino sensors on and Adafruit to see if we can get the same functionality (and precision) that we can with Yocto devices.