Databases, Threads, and aesthetics!

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After getting most of the logistics sorted out, I’ve finally been able to get back to working on Field Day. Not a whole lot has been done because I spent most of my time working on logistics but I was able to get a few things done or started. The first thing I did was get rid of the black background for the Sensor Sample activity. We don’t have to keep it this color I was just tired of the black. I made it green because it reminded me of grass and being in the field. The next thing I added was EditTexts for Site, Sector, and Spot like Seshat had. In the data model, we also added a ‘Trip’ column but I didn’t think that there needed to be an option for that on the main screen. I put in option in the Settings page since it’s going to be constant throughout the entire trip. In Seshat, we had an option to select how often the stream to the database. I added that in Field Day as a Radio Group with customized buttons from 1 – 60 seconds. I haven’t done anything with those values yet but the visual and backbone is in place. (You can see these edits in the two pictures below — Sensor Sample on the left and Settings on the right). Ignore the ‘Table name for readings database’ on the Settings page for the time being because I have figured that out yet.
