Work for the day started with some of us (including myself) assisting Emmet in the analysis of the soil samples collected by the alumni, while others took a hike and collected the first set of Ground Truthing points.
After lunch we all went to Seydisfjordur to listen to presentations at the community center. The first presentation was delivered by the students from Glasgow about their research involving the birds and arctic foxes around Skálanes. The second was delivered by Charlie about what we have been doing a Skálanes. The stird presentation was given by Kate and Autum discussing a documentary that they want to make about the fjord and the salmon farms that are coming.
After the presentations we were allowed to explore Seydifjordur at our leisure, and spend our per diem, as well as buying dinner. Isaac, Mary, and myself went to Skaftfell Bistro, where I ate the most delicious cod that I have ever had.