Mid-January to mid-February, 2016

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After being distracted during the break by a downstream software project (Mothur, 16S analysis tool) I have spent most of my time organizing the pieces, making lists, thinking about the Icelandic Field Studies program, and looking for money. We have sent proposals to the Natural Science Summer Research fund, the Dean, and the office of sponsored research (Institutional Advancement). Our “Sanity Check” email will be sent soon. I setup Anna and Katie with the tools and materials to work on the soil pH sensor platform.

We’re in irregular contact with Oli, hopefully some of the loose ends associated with our work at Skalanes will be addressed. The biggest question is which projects will we pursue there.

Next is developing the pre-departure calendar with Kristin, working on list management (Kanbanchi), and ultimately getting back to the BLE Android interface.

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