In our $FIELDSCIENCE Android application we use a library from called YoctoLib which works with hardware purchased from them. We use Yoctopuce hardware in our Ambiance platform, and in the Ambiance skin in the app.
This library and code was working — recognizes the USB Yoctopuce devices that are plugged into the device and reading sensor data from them — the last time I used it (~July). Since then, something has gone wrong. The application will no longer read data from the sensors plugged in. I finally got it to at least recognize the device, but no data is being read. I suspect that this happened because of the move to Android Studio. Android Studio must have internally changed the way it uses APIs, which is what I am trying to figure out.
This further pushes me to believe that switching to Bluetooth to use the Yocto devices is necessary. Since the Yocto devices have to plug in via USB, each time I need to test the code, I have to upload the code to the Android device and then unplug the device from the computer so I can plug in the Yocto devices. This makes it difficult for debugging. If the device is plugged into the computer, Android Studio will constantly log messages from any application in real-time to the screen. Android keeps log messages even if the device is unplugged, and will load them once the device is plugged back in, but it’s all the messages (which is A LOT) from the test at once. It’s hard to go back through and figure out where something went wrong.