July 16th – Free Day in Seydisfjordur

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Today was our free day to explore Seydisfjordur. To start off our day, we visited the archeological site located in the town where an archeology team is working on excavating a discovered longhouse. The longhouse consisted of the main living area, a weaving room with two fireplaces, a smithy, and pantries. At one point in the longhouse’s history, some of the walls were destroyed in a landslide from the surrounding mountains.

After visiting the dig site, we visited a museum with an exhibit about the longhouse, four pagan graves discovered nearby, and the Mountain Lady, the archeological find of human remains discovered in a cave in one of the mountains around Seydisfjordur. It was really interesting to learn about these archeological discoveries that allow us to learn about what life may have been like for the Icelanders during those points in history.

Once we finished looking around the museum, our group split up. Some of us decided to spend some time exploring Seydisfjordur, while the other group went to visit the baths in Vök. Some of the Seydisfjordur group decided to go on a hike to see some of the beautiful waterfalls in the area while the rest of us visited some of the local restaurants and shops, as well as a beautiful Lutheran church with a rainbow road leading up to it. After a few hours, the Vök crew met us at Seydisfjordur, and we all headed back to Skálanes.