Reykjavik to Skalanes

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Today was a travel-packed day, as we made our way to our research location in Skalanes. Our morning consisted of packing and saying our farewells to the beautiful city of Reykjavik. We then caught a plane to EGS in the smallest (and cutest) airport I have ever seen!

After going to the Bonus grocery store to stock up for the weekend, we finally made our way to Skalanes. 


The views from the bus ride alone were enough to take our breath away; with the snowy mountains, vast waterfalls, and tiny rivers. Our bus drove us up the mountain through three gorgeous rivers to reach our final destination. Each of our hearts skipped a beat when we looked out the windows and saw the landscape ahead.

Once at the house, we had a chance to settle in and eat dinner. We ended our day by watching the puffins and reading a couple of chapters of Norse Mythology.



No camera could capture the magical essence of where we are, although we all took way too many pictures!

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