14th Day in Iceland

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Today is our last day at Skalanes. We have spent 10 amazing days doing science, hiking around and boating. We have made great memories together and enjoyed every bit of these moments!

We started our day by packing all our science gear and making sure we hadn’t left anything behind. Then, while some did laundry, others cleaned the house to make sure we leave it in perfect shape. After packing all our suitcases, we gathered to play board games and cook. We spent some time enjoying our last day and did everything we wanted to, so we can leave this place with no regrets. For dinner, we had the chance to eat fabulous lasagna made by Charlie and Ella, along with Ulrik’s rice pudding and Charlie’s apple cake.

Tomorrow we are leaving the house at 8 a.m. sharp and heading to Vik, where we will stay for the next few days!

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