Hi everyone, Ana here,
Yesterday was really busy! as our hardworking Bio team continued working on DNA extractions, the rest of us headed to the shore to gather more data. Sam and Andrew did an amazing job collecting water samples from the Fjord, and thanks to them our scientific research is going pretty smoothly!

Seth and I decided to fly drones above the fjord to capture some kayaking footage, but unfortunately that didn’t go too well. R.I.P Skydio 1 and now 2 (aka Big Bird and Hulk), we will certainly miss you.

Today has been slightly more relaxed. We walked over to the nearby archeological site and practiced flying the DJI Phantom III. Charlie, Andrew and I spent some time “engineering” and successfully attached a Map IR camera to it.

What makes this camera really unique, is that it is able to capture infrared wavelengths invisible to the human eye. This is especially important for our work as it allows us to detect the differences between the chemical composition of soil under plants. The Map IR proved equally important in helping Andrew discover his secret talent in Photography:

As for our surprise guests, we got to meet Olí ‘s dogs! Here are Fyrir and Brandur!

We’ll get to hang out with Fyrir a lot more as he will be staying in Skalanes for the next few days. Enjoy this wholesome picture of him and Charlie napping together 🙂

~ Ana
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