Howdy all blog followers, family, friends, and research enthusiasts! Sam here and I am going to be recapping our day out at Grimsey Island.
This morning was an early one as we had a wake up call bright and early at 6 AM. After a quick breakfast, we hit the road to Dalvik so we could catch the ferry. When we arrived in Dalvik, we discussed the main tourist spots and other interesting places to see on the island before we boarded the ferry and set sail at 9 AM. Most of the group collected some Z’s for the first hour of the voyage, but shortly after, the sea had other plans in store for many members of the group. As the sea sickness set in and many breakfasts were reintroduced to the outside world, we journeyed on to Grimsey where we arrived at 12 PM.
Upon arrival, the group split up and adventured on the island to discover all the cool sights it had to offer. A few of the group members and myself hit golf balls into the ocean at an old, 3-hole golf course, played soccer, shot some hoops at the local school, and even swam in the Arctic Ocean while the rest of the group chose to toss a frisbee at various spots along the island and hike the cliffs ridden with puffins.
After walking and exploring the island for 4 hours, we boarded the ferry and geared up for the ride back to Dalvik. Someone must have put in a good word with Mother Nature because the ride back was A LOT smoother than the trip to Grimsey. Many of the group took to the main deck at the front of the boat to watch the scenery of the fjord as we slowly made our way towards Dalvik. We were fortunate enough to see many dolphins and even a whale, but we were not able to capture any great footage of them (Sorry!) Instead, below is a picture of Grimsey I took towards the harbor! Tune in tomorrow for the update on our weekend here in Akureyri!

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